Sunday, May 1, 2011

Seriously? Fishing?

I sat aside my Saturday for a play date with Hunter. I gave him a choice of what he would like to do, however, when he said,"go fishing", I wondered if I would be able to follow through with any enjoyment or not. I was thinking next time I will tell him what we are doing and where we are going. I so do not like the "f" word.  I was totally dreading it but figured I was committed. I even thought maybe I would be to sick to go.

Dressed in my long johns and two other layers I picked Hunter up at his Nana's house at 0730 thinking we could make this painless when his belly cries out for food I could talk some sense into him over breakfast in a nice warm restaurant(long johns in case I can't). Alisha had told me the steel head were running and I knew just the place to find a warm, cozy, restaurant on the river downtown(perfect).

When we arrived at the river I parked at the restaurant. I had already convinced Hunter to have breakfast first(it was working my way). We walked about 50 feet down to the river to get a sneak peek at what we would be doing after food. We came upon a man fishing. I engaged him in conversation so I can learn a little about something I knew nothing about so I could be somewhat helpful to Hunter's fishing experience. His name was Fritz. Seeing my situation Fritz took right over mentoring Hunter. Fritz helped Hunter catch his first steel head snapped a picture and sent it to Tina. Then he took us to his truck to show us the "big one" he had caught earlier. He had to admit though that it had shrunk since he put it in the truck(fish stories). Fritz handed over his left over bait to Hunter and finally we were off to breakfast. Yummy, Hash browns with cheese, sausage, and pancakes. Good food, good food!

We returned to the river to catch some more fish. The sun was starting to peak and I was happy to feel a little warmth. The fish nibbled the bait a little but no catch. We decided to call it a day but realized we had a bunch of worms to use yet. Here I go again, I promised to take him out later in the day when the fish would mist likely be biting again. As the day evolved Calli decided she would join us for the fishing in the evening. We went to Tina's and spent the day there while Hunter finished his homework reluctantly but knowing it was required of him to go back out later.

The three of us went to Lake Dubonet in search of a dock that Rick told us was there. We never found the dock, the fish were not biting, and Hunter's line kept getting tangled. I thought this would put a damper on our time together so I took Hunter's suggestion to relocate to the Boardman river. The kids maintained a good attitude and I realized it was not about the fish, it was about having fun, minute to minute. The whole adventure changed. There were no bummer attitudes or frustration about tangled lines and no fish. It become more about enjoying a beautiful day together, no matter what.

Those were two of the funnest kids I have been around in years. Kind of like my own kids used to be. Calli is a spunky 13 year old that likes to push the limits and does not give up easily. Hunter a goof ball that is always wound up in some sort of a dilemma. They complicate and compliment each others experience continuously. Yes, there were many laughs to say the least. I am sure Hunters manufactured dilemmas will teach him a lot of worthy lessons that will make him very practical in the least. As for Calli , I believe her ability to rise above anything will get her far in life for sure. It was a fun day with the kids. Their Mom must have trusted me because unlike some other moms she was not doing the constant checks(interruptions) that I get in other situations which allowed us to have a quality experience together. I know I pushed the limit a bit keeping them so long but we were having to much fun. I so do not like time restraints when on my little adventures. This truly was a day to remember!