Saturday, April 23, 2011

The past with it's tower of lies

I recently discovered that everything I believe in is a lie. The history I have come accustomed to is all a big fat lie! Bad thing? Good thing? Who knows? What do you do when you question everything you have come to KNOW for sure?  I mean, was Columbus really a child molester? Or was it just consensual sex with a 14 year old?

Since 9/11 I have noticed this horrible event not only has taken place in the physical but soon to follow it became evident that the twin tower of my own life had been shattered. Exploded into the ether were all my beliefs. Everything I had been taught fell into the rubble at ground zero. Of more concern to me though were the effects of the poison that has spread to those who have risk their lives to clean it up. As an American, I still pay for that day. Fear, stagnation, agoraphobia, predominate my inner life.

On the brighter side is the beautiful sunshine caught streaming between the towers shortly before the attack.  My mind has come alive and I see things I was not able to see before. I am developing a new understanding of myself, my life, and the world.

1 comment:

  1. When 9/11 happened, I was studying Buddhism under a very old Japanese Roshi. I was in Arizona and he was in California. One of his assistants interrupted a group meditation to whisper the event into his ear. His response was, "Through conflict, we get to know each other." I always thought that this was such a long-term view. Sometimes the current reality is too brutal to look at only in its particular details. We have to step back and see it as an evolutionary step. A minute percentage of Americans knew anything about the Middle East or Al Queda. Now, they know more, but unfortunately, the event has been used to spread propaganda and fear so that politicians and their corporate war lords can manipulate the public to support their power interests. I think this event obligates each of us to seek more knowledge, from all sides of the event, so that we better understand our "enemy". The truth is not in a Fox News sound byte. It's never that simple. So, we have been awakened from our naivety. That we can be thankful for, even as it is painful.

    Good luck on your blog and enjoying the magic of expression. :-)
