Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I don't think Steve Jobs is exactly the kind of person that OWS is complaining about! I believe it would be more like Osama Bin Laden who used his wealth to promote his own self hatred. Or maybe some of the so called job creators that have children working in the sugar cane fields for a bowl of rice a day. Or the job creators that expect slavery for a wage that cannot even contribute to a healthy affordable life style. They plot worker against worker to aquire more & more profits without even considering the spill over costs related to the bad behavior. Like heroin addicts they hunger for more & more wealth not caring at all about anything BUT themselves & the bottom line. Job creators are not under attack. Inside greed and coruption on Wall Street is. You can paint a rosey picture to those that have not yet been affected but I think the pain of the masses around the world will not hear it unless you can find more than one good example of how this is supposed to work.

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